Applications to migrate to Australia can be a long and expensive exercise. Kadoury Migration Services propose to assess your eligibility for migration for a small fee…
US$ 99.00 Basic Assessment for Skilled Migration:
Are you capable of passing the Federal Requirements for Skilled Migration? This assessment provides a brief overview of your ability to meet the minimum essential criteria for skilled migration.
It Assesses: Your ability to meet the Federal Requirements for Skilled Migration.
Recommended For: People who are just starting to think about obtaining a Skilled Migration visa for Australia and want to know whether it’s something they should invest more time and energy into pursuing.
What you Receive: A concise overview of your ability to meet the Federal Requirements; A recommendation as to whether you should continue your enquiries into skilled migration at this stage. This assessment is not sufficient to use a basis for Skilled visa application as it does not provide an in depth review of all the possible requirements related to your circumstances. Should you decide to continue with your application you should undertake one of our more thorough assessments.
US$ 149.00 Standard Eligibility Assessment for Skilled Migration:
This assessment provides a thorough analysis of your ability to meet all the requirements for skilled migration relevant to you.
It assesses: Your ability to meet Federal Requirements; Your ability to succeed in the Points Tally; Your ability to obtain a positive Skills Assessment outcome letter; Your ability to meet the requirements for Nomination by individual States and Territories; Your ability to meet the requirements for Family Sponsorship; Which IELTS exam (or other English Language exam) you need to undertake and your ability to meet the required score.
Recommended For: People who are serious about skilled migration; People who want to take a migration agent to assist them with their application, and wish to confirm their potential eligibility for Skilled Migration before investing larger sums of money in the process.
What you Receive: A thorough assessment report which outlines your eligibility for Skilled Migration; A thorough explanation of the procedures behind Skilled Migration. Note that this assessment will not continue to cover all aspects of Skilled Migration if at any point you are found to be ineligible.
US$249.00 Full Comprehensive Eligibility Assessment for Skilled Migration:
The most in-depth eligibility assessment available, this report is between 10 to 15 pages long, and can take several weeks to complete. It provides a thorough analysis of your ability to meet the requirements for all components of Skilled Migration relevant to you and your circumstances.
It assesses: Your ability to meet Federal Requirements; Your ability to succeed in the Points Tally; Your ability to obtain a positive Skills Assessment outcome letter; Your ability to meet the requirements for Nomination by individual States and Territories; Your ability to meet the requirements for Family Sponsorship; Which IELTS exam (or other English Language exam) you need to undertake and your ability to meet the required score. Most assessments stop at the point where an applicant fails to meet one of the criteria for skilled migration. In this assessment however, we’ll continue all the way to the end, so you can see the full picture, and know where and what you need to do to improve in order to migrate to Australia. Where you do meet the requirements, we’ll then go on to outline the next steps you need to take in order to lodge your Expression of Interest with the Australian Government.
Recommended for: People who are serious about obtaining a Skilled Migration visa to Australia and want a complete picture of their eligibility, a thorough examination of any issues, and a step by step guide to the next steps in their application; People who are thinking about completing the application process without the assistance of a migration agent, but would like a firm, accurate foundation on which to base their decisions; People who are looking at State Nomination or Family Sponsorship.
What you receive: An assessment report which outlines your eligibility for Skilled Migration; A thorough explanation of the procedures behind skilled migration; A phone consultation scheduled after you receive the assessment which gives you the opportunity to ask any additional questions you may have.